Whither Comes the Energy to Run the World?
What: Global New Energy Summit
When: March 22 - 24, 2009
Where: Buffalo Thunder Resort, Pojoaque, NM
We've read the headlines about climate change, exploding global energy demand, oil and coal price spikes, and the growth of renewable energy sources. It's clear that the modern world needs a lot of energy. The 64 trillion dollar question is "Where will tomorrow's energy come from?" The Global New Energy Summit is bringing together the researchers, energy companies, capitalists and politicians who will answer that question.
The Rocky Mountain Technology Alliance presents the inaugural Global New Energy Summit. This summit will bring together world renowned panelists and showcase the latest innovation and applications in nuclear, solar, wind, water and bio-fuels along with energy storage and security experts. With a clear focus on strategic thinking and long-term perspectives, this event will provide attendees with an opportunity to understand emerging trends and opportunities in new energy globally, along with international public policy initiatives.
More Info:
Global New Energy Summit - Event Schedule
Global New Energy Summit - Speaker List
Grist.org - Obama puts climate and energy atop his priorities list in his first address to Congress