Green Building with Brown Adobe
What: Sustainability Week and GreenBuilt Tour New Mexico
When: May 10 - 18, 2008
Where: Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Taos, NM
I've been reading about Green Building and scores of new ideas and technologies being developed. With so many possible building designs and techniques the choices can be overwhelming. I think it's time to check out some green homes and buildings to see what works and what doesn't. Just in time for Spring home improvement and house hunting season here comes Sustainability Week and the New Mexico GreenBuilt Tour.
The GreenBuilt tour by the U.S. Green Building Council New Mexico highlights sustainable building practices that are attractive, practical, and affordable. You can see a diversity of homes and buildings featuring the many benefits and ways to incorporate green principles into design and construction. Energy efficiency, effective use of materials, water conservation, and community enhancement are just a few of the sustainable building aspects being demonstrated.
Many of the homes and businesses on the tour are owned and occupied by people who have generously opened their doors and share what they have learned about green living. The homes on the tour vary widely in size, type, location, and price range. Plan your tour in advance so you can spend enough time on the sites that interest you. Please show your appreciation by only visiting the homes on Saturday, May 17th, and Sunday, May 18th, between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.
GreenBuilt Tour and Lecture Series Tickets
Tickets are $10, $5 For Seniors, Students under 12 and Members of Emerging Green Builders. Tickets can be purchased online and at locations in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Taos.
Sustainability Week Schedule:
Green Living Lecture Series and GreenCentral
• Saturday, May 10th, 8 AM to 5 PM
• UNM Continuing Education, 1634 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87104
• See green products, and learn how to promote a sustainable future. Learn about sustainable design and construction techniques, and the economics of building green. Note: $10 admission to the Green Living lecture series includes admission to the GreenBuilt Tour.
• Green Living Lectures List of Classes
• Tuesday, May 13, 6 PM
• 301 Central Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
• The public is invited to join USGBCNM members for an informal gathering to discuss green building issues.
USGBC Workshop: LEED for Homes
• Wednesday, May 14, 8 AM to 5 PM
• UNM Continuing Education, 1634 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87104
• A technical review of the LEED rating systems for Homes
GreenBuilt Commercial Tour
• Thursday, May 15th, 8 AM to 5 PM
• Various Locations
• A guided tour of the most outstanding examples of sustainable architecture for commercial buildings in Albuquerque. Register at
USGBC Workshop: LEED for Existing Buildings
• Friday, May 16, 8 AM to 5 PM
• UNM Continuing Education, 1634 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87104
• A technical review of the LEED rating systems for Existing Buildings
GreenBuilt Tour
• May 17 and 18, 10 AM to 4 PM
• Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos and beyond
• This self-guided tour of top sustainable homes in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Taos showcases many ways for homeowners to go green.
More Info:
GreenBuilt Tour Guidebook (3+ Mbyte download)