NM Public Transit Funding Off The Rails

NM Rail Runner, Zia Road Station - Closed

Big City dwellers may take public transit for granted, but out here in New Mexico we're just getting familiar with it. The NM Rail Runner has been running between Santa Fe and Albuquerque for just over a year. Now, thanks to shortfalls in local tax revenues weekend train service may be eliminated. Of course, it was weekend service that helped popularize the NM Rail Runner in the first place. Argh!

So, does that leave New Mexicans stranded on the train platform? Not quite yet. We have at least three options for lending support to public transportation in our state. First, fill out a short Transportation Survey provided by MR-COG (the governmental agency in charge of the NM Rail Runner) and tell them you support the NM Rail Runner. The New Mexico Legislature is now in session, so a phone call or letter supporting full weekend train service would be timely. You can also take a weekend trip on the Rail Runner, the ticket sale will show your support in a more capital way.

Update - Governor Bill Richardson Announces Plan to Keep Rail Runner Running on Weekends. Wow, that was quick! If only the rest of New Mexico's budget shortfalls could be solved as quickly.

More Info:

MR-COG Transportation Survey - take this survey by Friday February 12, 2010!

Mid-Region Council of Governments (administrators of the NM Rail Runner)

SFeNewMexican.com - Funding gap could nix weekend rail service

SFeNewMexican.com - Rail Runner to keep rolling on Saturdays

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