Winter Planning for Spring Planting

Fishtail Weeder and Common Mallow

The days are short, nights long and the ground is cold. Winter isn't a great time for planting, but it is a time for planning a garden. Last fall we planted everything from an apple tree to iris bulbs, but there is still much to be decided for spring planting. While the snow flies we are thinking ahead to the gardening season.

Pinheads Unite!

Telemark Trak by Dirk Groeger

What: Tony Forrest Telemark Workshop
When: January 31 and Feb 1, 2009
Where: Ski Santa Fe

This amazing Telemark Workshop is now in its 22nd year. We hope you will come and join Tony Forrest and a host of other fantastic instructors to learn the latest in telemark technique. New tele skiers are welcome, however the workshop is not for someone who has never skied downhill (alpine or tele) before.

The Tony Forrest Telemark Workshop includes four hours of lessons each day.
Class: Saturday and Sunday, January 31 and Feb 1, 2009
Time: 10 am - 3pm

Icy Beauty - Polar Paintings from the 1800's

Aurora Australis, 1908, George Mattson

Adventurers in the 1800's saw the Arctic and Antarctic as remote and harsh, though beautiful places. The South and North Poles were the furthest frontiers of the day and were sought by scores of early explorers. Among those early explorers were artists who preserved the rugged beauty of the poles. Fortunately, we have their images as an artistic record from the days before Climate Change.

More Info:

Full Refrigerator in 2009

Roasted Squash Risotto and Green Beans

I start the year with a bursting refrigerator and freezer and pantry. I am very lucky. I am lucky to have money for lots of good food. However, this excess is silly. This week I'll be pulling stashes of frozen soup out of the freezer, rethinking the things in the pantry, and in general looking at what we have and wondering "what am I saving this for? A visit from the queen?"

Day Tripping the Rail Runner Express

Rail Runner Express Train at the Santa Fe South Capitol Station at night

A commuter rail system can be a wonderful thing for a community. But, what if your commute doesn't match the rail line? Well, it can be a great way to visit other towns for shopping, recreating and site-seeing. My wife and I decided to take the Rail Runner from Santa Fe to explore Albuquerque last Friday. We weren't the only ones with that idea.

Cook vs. Persimmon

Two-Tone Persimmon Pudding

2009 is breathing its icy breath down our necks. It was a mighty chilly Christmas holiday with either ice or slush to line your path. Again, the cook runs to the kitchen with all haste to conjure up warm and comforting food. We are taking a two week break from the weekly CSA delivery (like at Thanksgiving, even farmers get a little break) but we were sent off with an extra heavy bag to tide us over until the first week of January.

Cellulose Insulated Attic Makes For a Cozy Home

Attic filled with Cellulose Insulation

'The weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, And since we've no place to go, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!' Snow is falling and I am nearly giddy. Why? We've just finished sealing and insulating the attic with 15 inches of recycled cellulose insulation and our home is now quite cozy and snug. Let It Snow!

We all have Coal in our Stockings

There is no such thing as clean coal.

Looking for color in winter

Butternut Squash

We have passed the Winter Solstice, the longest day of the year, and now are definitely pointed toward spring. However you wouldn't know that with a week of snow headed our way and a white Christmas on tap. Since the days have been grey as of late, I've been looking for light and warmth in the kitchen. Thankfully the oranges of squash, the reds of pomegranates, and the verdant greens have been helpful in that regard.

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